Buy It – Potential Feed Cost Savings For Broiler Producers Buying ExPress®

The poultry industry is continuously evolving, driven by the growing global demand for poultry products. To meet this demand, selecting efficient feeding strategies and high-quality dietary ingredients is crucial to ensuring consistent animal performance.
Several key factors should be considered when choosing ingredients for poultry feed. One of the main takeaways is the importance of understanding the ingredients’ chemical composition and nutritional values. Additionally, the article discussed the effect of ingredient quality on feed processing and the economic considerations involved in ingredient selection.
These insights align with our previous blog, where we discussed the proven advantages of ExPress® soy meals compared to solvent-extracted soybean meal, mainly when producers make their own feed for their flocks. Now, let’s explore a scenario where a producer needs to select high-quality ingredients (ExPress®) and purchase them from a processor.
The performance benefits mentioned previously are supported by feeding trials, which show a 4.25% increase in final body weight per bird, with no significant differences in feed intake. Additionally, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved by 7 points (from 1.59 to 1.52), reflecting a 4.4% improvement over a 42-day period in broilers fed ExPress compared to those fed solvent-extracted soybean meal. Furthermore, ExPress® meal maintains the same nutritional value, offering higher metabolizable energy and improved amino acid digestibility. These advantages are sustained if the processor follows the recommended soybean processing standards and technology, enhancing the soybeans’ nutritional value. Specifically, high-shear dry extrusion technology paired with the mechanical press to obtain ExPress® soymeal.
In this scenario, there is a cost difference: broiler producers will need to pay a premium price for ExPress® soymeal, typically around $50 more per ton than solvent-extracted soybean meal. Assuming the same baseline broiler system model mentioned earlier, the savings in feed cost per bird are reduced to 0.5% but still present.
An important consideration is that, when using ExPress® soymeal in the diet, there is no need to add extra oils, fats, or AV blends, thanks to the residual oil content in the meal. Price fluctuations in oils and fats can significantly impact diet costs, but purchasing or producing ExPress® soymeal can mitigate these potential cost increases, ensuring overall savings.
In conclusion, despite the premium cost of ExPress® soymeal when buying it, its nutritional advantages and the reduced need for additional dietary supplements provide overall cost savings and performance improvements for poultry producers.