7 Things to Know When Investing In A Processing Facility

Equipment – How Does it All Work
Understanding how the equipment works is key in processing high-quality ingredients your customers will demand. This quick read will explain the basics so you are equipped with the information you need to make the best decision for your company.
High-shear dry extrusion from Insta-Pro® International allows the production of nutritionally superior ingredients from oilseeds like soy. This is by design – high-temperature, short-time cooking with dry extrusion provides a thorough cook, practically measured as temperature, while minimizing time. This short-time aspect of the process is critical because nutrients, especially the amino acids in protein, such as lysine, do not tolerate cooking for more than a minute. The cook time with dry extrusion lasts only seconds, preserving protein quality.
We are loaded with hands-on operational, customer service, engineering, nutritional, maintenance and repair, and overall product evaluation experience. Our team of professionals are focused on optimizing extruded product performance with your particular application.
Not all companies offer ongoing support after the sale. Our service and support teams offer various services, including maintenance and ongoing visits to keep your equipment running smoothly.
You Can’t Do It All – But You Can Be The Best
Is Your Project Financially Feasible?
How to understand the real value of your products and determine if your project is feasible.
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