Sales vs. Satisfaction

A very inspiring story was shared by one of our customers in South East Asia wherein they said that their customers are very satisfied with the animal performance from the extruded full-fat soybean (EFFSB) they feed to their livestock. As a matter of fact, due to high demand they need to expand their operation to produce more EFFSB.
When the customer decided to expand their operation, they compared their Insta-Pro Intl machine to other extruders in the market. One of their friends endorsed a company that sells competitive extruder machines of a lesser value. His friend thought the price of the machine would move our customer to the new competitor machine for their expansion.
Our customer asked to see a product sample where they could see and feel the product differences. The EFFSB produced from IPI machine has better color and oil than the sample presented by the other company. The quality difference made them decide to purchase another set of Model 2000 from Insta-Pro and is about to install by second quarter of 2016.
The customer’s decision was easy, their success was built on word of mouth marketing. They have built a good relationship with the farmers and that is the reason for their expansion. The customers do not only consider the big sales, they also consider the satisfaction of the end-users and farmers. The farmers say that animals don’t lie and at the end of the day the animals will tell them what kind of performances they have.