Engineering Customer Support

The Insta-Pro engineering team works hard to provide customers with plant design & equipment innovation support. Being able to work directly with Insta-Pro customers is special in having a small company. Below our Engineering team answers the question ‘What about the support that you provide customers is special to you’
The engineering team is usually at the heart of what we do at Insta-Pro, in terms of offering services to the customers that make them successful. So, the engineering team fall into two broad categories: on the one hand, we do product development and continuous improvement. While on the other hand we also do sales engineering. So from product development, we develop new products that help customers take advantage of business opportunities that exist in the marketplace. In continuous improvement, we are looking at improving our current offering of equipment to helping make our customer’s activities a little bit better.” – Kenneth K. Aniunoh, Ph.D., P.E., Engineering Manager
“In my career of close to 30 years of being a controls engineer I have always had a passion for helping customers out with their automation needs. In my past 5 years here at Insta-Pro I have had the privilege of helping customers out all over the world get their equipment running in a timely fashion. I like to treat our customers like how I would expect to receive support for something I need help with.” – Kirk Twelmeyer, Senior Controls Engineer
“One of the main tasks as a project engineer is helping the sales team work with customers to solve problems that they have for their plants in producing various end products. So, this could be from choosing equipment, sizing equipment, speccing out equipment, creating plant layouts, making sure equipment fits inside of an existing building. It’s always a challenge. And then one of the most rewarding parts of doing these tasks at the end is being able to go to the customer site and actually see the customer making a final end product that’s successful for them and achieving their goals.” – Scott Carroll, Process Engineer
“Working with our customers is an opportunity to help them with their immediate needs while continuously improving our equipment. It is mutually beneficial in the short- and long-term. We strive to be a resource and add value for our customer partners.” – Kevin Hansen, Design Engineer
“Although my direct interactions with customers may be limited, the impact of our support resonates with me. Knowing that Insta-Pro’s efforts contribute to improving access to quality feed, assisting in livestock nutrition and therefore people’s nutrition, particularly in struggling countries, is profoundly meaningful. It makes me recall the children I met on mission in Nicaragua and thinking that our technology could assist with food programs in places like that, even indirectly, is an honor. It’s a privilege to play a part in enhancing nutrition and enriching lives through our work, reaffirming the importance of every contribution, no matter how small, in making a positive difference.” – Ray Stark, Mechanical Drafter
“During my time with Insta-Pro, while brief, my interactions with customers has been rewarding. Knowing that we are helping them optimize their operations even before they start up we are helping them achieve a dream that has been years in the making.” – Imane Madhari, Process Engineer