Planning a Plant Is Just as Important as Running It

Insta-Pro International is more than just an equipment company. Our primary goal is to ensure all customers’ successful incorporation of Insta-Pro equipment into their processes for consistent, superior-quality end ingredients. Offering comprehensive services like precisely crafted process flow diagrams, meticulously planned full plant layouts, and attentive supervision visits, which occur before any machine is ever turned on, prove to be profoundly beneficial for the planning and seamless execution of equipment installation long before and after the purchase of equipment. Careful, strategic planning and budgeting at the outset of every project, regardless of size, will facilitate a seamless project execution and ultimately lead to increased profitability. Failing to do so can result in costly delays, last-minute changes, unnecessary equipment additions, building modifications, wasted materials, and more.
Process flow diagrams serve as a simplified graphical representation of the production process. These diagrams, typically initiated very early in a project, aid in finalizing equipment orders. This succinct one-page diagram delineates all inputs and outputs and their respective points of entry and exit within the flow, focusing keenly on the capabilities of the process and the requisite equipment. This invaluable tool greatly benefits customers seeking an additional review step to refine the project scope and often sparks crucial conversations that foster an enhanced understanding of the customer’s needs and expectations.
Once the project has advanced to the stage where equipment orders are underway, it is an opportune time to develop full-scale plant layouts. These meticulously crafted layouts provide a detailed look at the plant’s layout, incorporating scaled drawings showcasing the precise location and orientation of all new and existing equipment within the facility, along with space requirements and other dimensional data. This is a critical step in finalizing equipment specifications and ensures a seamless installation process. Potential mishaps and additional costs during installation are minimized as building information, existing equipment locations, structural considerations, receiving and bulk loadout requirements, as well as other potential obstacles and interferences, are taken into careful consideration. Ultimately, an accurate set of drawings is presented and reviewed with the customer, often undergoing several revisions before a final layout is accepted.
As equipment procurement progresses and installation nears completion, it is ideal for Insta-Pro to conduct an on-site, one-day visit to review the equipment installation and offer best practice guidance for optimal plant operation. This proactive approach helps identify any potential errors that could adversely affect process flow and the quality of the end product. Issues detected and corrected during the supervision visit can expedite the start-up and training process while mitigating additional costs, ensuring a smooth transition to operational efficiency.
Contact us today for more information on scheduling a supervision visit.