Обеспечение качества ингредиентов с помощью технологии БИК: портативный анализатор ингредиентов. Часть II
July 12, 2018
В части I я рассказал, как портативный анализатор ингредиентов помогает производителям сои осуществлять непрерывный мониторинг изменений качества экструдированного соевого шрота и других продуктов (соевый шрот, полученный экстракцией растворителями, и…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Assurer la qualité des ingrédients en utilisant la technologie NIR : PIA – 1re partie
July 5, 2018
En 2016, Insta-Pro International® a commercialisé l’analyseur d’ingrédients portable (PIA), un appareil de contrôle de la qualité qui permet aux exploitants d’usines de soja d’analyser rapidement leurs ingrédients…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Ensuring Ingredient Quality Using NIR Technology: PIA Part I
July 5, 2018
In 2016, Insta-Pro International® launched the Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) as a quality control tool that allows soy plant operators to rapidly analyze their raw and processed ingredients…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Full Fat Soy Shelf Life
June 28, 2018
In previous blogs, I have discussed the shelf life of texturized soy protein, along with ExPress® meal and ExPress® soy flour. However, I omitted the shelf life of…
Author: Adam Sackett
Importance of Quality Dry Extrusion in Nutrition Aid Programs
June 14, 2018
Welfare relief programs are in place around the world to help those who desperately need food. Typically, these are people caught up in negative political situations and war…
Author: Dave Albin
Исходные параметры ингредиентов — прекрасная вещь, однако убедитесь в том, что вы используете правильные параметры
May 31, 2018
Проблема, с которой постоянно сталкиваются диетологи, животноводы, производители и брокеры ингредиентов и сырья — по каким показателям их оценивать. Это непростая задача. Составы многих ингредиентов, а также другие факторы…
Author: Dave Albin
Ingredient metrics are great, but make sure you’re using the right ones
May 31, 2018
A perpetual challenge for nutritionists, animal producers, manufacturers, and brokers of ingredients and raw materials is how to value them. This is no small task. Formulations of many…
Author: Dave Albin
Evolving the R&D Department
April 19, 2018
The last three months have been a whirlwind of activity with the move to our new facility in Grimes, Iowa. This was no small undertaking considering we moved…
Author: John Doud
Evaluating Ingredients Part 7: Extruded Corn
March 22, 2018
We at Insta-Pro periodically provide you with tips for a better understanding of how to evaluate ingredients and diets. The whole idea here is to provide you with…
Author: Dave Albin
Extruded Rice Bran Promotes Gut Health When Antibiotics Are Removed From Animal Diets
March 15, 2018
In order to meet consumer demand for antibiotic-free (ABF) protein, there has been a growing demand for antibiotic alternatives or natural feed additives to promote growth. Extruded stabilized…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Why Bother Extruding Corn?
February 22, 2018
It’s important to have an open mind. However, it’s easy to fall into a pattern that’s comfortable and repeatable, until one day, what you’re doing doesn’t make nearly…
Author: Dave Albin
Go Beyond the “Buzzword” Amino Acids
February 15, 2018
In the world of animal nutrition, people like me create complete diet formulations that will strive to achieve some end goal with animals raised for food production. In…
Author: Dave Albin
High Shear, Dry Extruded, Stabilized Rice Bran in Pet Diets
February 8, 2018
In my first blog on stabilized rice bran, I discussed its ability to be used in broiler diets with up to 12% inclusion, without negatively impacting growth and…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Versatility in Extrusion – Using the MS3000 Extruder for Various Applications
January 25, 2018
One of the questions we get asked the most, in the Latin American market, is how many applications our extruders can produce. When investing in Insta-Pro equipment, this…
Author: Belen Diaz Cisneros
How Do You Process Rice Bran?
January 18, 2018
In October, Belen Cisneros, Sales Manager in South America, wrote a blog explaining the benefits and effects of extruding rice bran, which is a by-product of the rice…
Author: John Doud
Maintain Ingredient Consistency & Optimize Your ExPress® Process with the Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) NIR
January 11, 2018
Our Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) tool uses NIR technology to provide on-the-spot quick analysis of soy products. Additionally, units can be calibrated to add other grains. Our inventoried…
Author: Karl Arnold
Evaluating Ingredients – Energy for Dairy Cows (TDN vs. NEL) Part 6
December 28, 2017
In other parts of this blog series, energy has been an important topic. From discussing how dietary fiber and fat levels affect energy in poultry diets, as well…
Author: Dave Albin
How Will You Innovate to Feed the World? – Investing in Nutrition Part II
December 21, 2017
Improving nutrition of children and women will help your economy grow. This means you need to invest in systems infrastructure, health services, nutrition education that reaches everyone, including…
Author: Michael Martin