How will you innovate to feed the world? – Investing in Nutrition Part I
December 14, 2017
Coincidentally, I spent World Children’s Day (November 20th) reading the Global Nutrition Report. The report discusses the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 2.2 which aims to end all…
Author: Michael Martin
Utilization of Soy to Produce By-Pass Fat for Dairy Cattle
December 7, 2017
We often discuss the dairy industry and how we fit into helping it. For example, here are topics we have focused on in the Insta-Pro blog: Importance of…
Author: Dave Albin
Evaluating Ingredients – Soy Oligosaccharides in Swine Part 5
November 30, 2017
This is the fifth blog I’ve written as part of the evaluating ingredients series which provides tips for evaluating the relative value of ingredients. This series gives knowledge…
Author: Dave Albin
What resources have you overlooked? – Testing New Ingredients in R&D Part II
November 22, 2017
At Insta-Pro, some of the more interesting products that we have extruded are; turkey and broiler mortalities, by-products from slaughter facilities, radiator stop leak, ground mink carcasses, centrifuged eggshell, ground fish parts, municipal…
Author: Craig Briney
What resources have you overlooked? – Testing New Ingredients in R&D Part I
November 16, 2017
In my 27 years of working with Insta-Pro and its unique high shear dry extrusion technology, I have been witness to some rather interesting projects. The majority of them…
Author: Craig Briney
Stabilized Rice Bran: Economical and Nutritional Ingredient for Poultry and Swine Diets
November 9, 2017
As mentioned in our previous blog on rice bran, rice is cultivated in every continent of the world except Antarctica. In total, there are more than 100 countries…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
By Products – Stabilized Rice Bran
October 26, 2017
In previous blogs, we have discussed how our process for stabilizing rice bran is effective and efficient for feeding livestock and other applications, including food. When considering the…
Author: Belen Diaz Cisneros
Evaluating Ingredients – Pelleting vs. Mash in Poultry Diets Part 4
October 19, 2017
In part 4 of the How to Evaluate Ingredients series, I’m switching back to poultry. Parts 1 and 2, focused on poultry and how changes in the levels…
Author: Dave Albin
Evaluating Ingredients – Protein in the Rumen and Small Intestine Part 3
September 28, 2017
For part 3 of how to evaluate ingredients, I’m switching over to ruminants. In parts 1 and 2, I focused on poultry and how changes in the levels…
Author: Dave Albin
Evaluating Ingredients – Effect of Dietary Fat Content in Poultry Part 2
September 21, 2017
In part 1, I discussed the effect of dietary crude fiber level, or the amount of indigestible carbohydrates, on metabolizable energy content of a broiler diet. As the…
Author: Dave Albin
What Is Express® Soymeal?
September 14, 2017
Soybeans consumed by livestock and poultry animals worldwide are processed through solvent or mechanical extraction then converted to soybean meal. As the inventor of high shear, dry extrusion,…
Author: Mayette Ramos
Converting Waste into High Quality Ingredients
August 31, 2017
FAO predicts that by 2050 food production will have to increase by 70 percent in order to meet the population’s food demand. They also mention that combating poverty…
Author: Belen Diaz Cisneros
Evaluating Ingredients – Effect of Crude Fiber in Poultry Part 1
August 24, 2017
There are many choices when formulating diets for food animals. Understandably, least-cost formulation programs are used to quickly determine how to meet certain nutrient requirements, different for each…
Author: Dave Albin
Extrusion Facility For Poverty Alleviation Part II
August 3, 2017
In a previous blog, we discussed implementing an extrusion facility for poverty alleviation. The center mentioned in the blog, Don Bosco Agro-Mechanical Technology Center, is managed by Salesian…
Author: Adam Sackett
Amino Acids: Looking Beyond Protein Levels for Animal Performance
July 20, 2017
In this industry, we talk about protein a lot. This is because it helps evaluate the value of an ingredient or diet. The type of protein we are…
Author: Dave Albin
Feeding Modern Sows
July 13, 2017
When I started my career in a pig breeding farm way back in 1978, the length of a 6-month-old gilt was about 110 cm (~ 43 in) and…
Author: Mayette Ramos
Get More With A Quality Process & Quality Ingredients
July 6, 2017
A recent blog post over at WATT made some good points while discussing a topic many livestock producers debate – investing in high-quality ingredients versus inexpensive ingredients for…
Author: Dave Albin
Strategies for Slower-Growing Broilers
June 1, 2017
I can remember a time, not so long ago, when the entire focus of animal protein production was on lean growth in as few days as possible –…
Author: Dave Albin