Properly-Processed ExPress® Soy Meal Maintains High Digestibility & Greater Metabolizable Energy
May 18, 2017
We invented the high-shear dry extrusion process and have sought to optimize it over the years through research—much of which has been detailed here on the blog. In a…
Author: Dave Albin
Importance of Correct Parameters (Part 1)
May 11, 2017
When running soybeans through an extruder or through an ExPress® system (an extruder and a press in-line) it is very important to have all the correct parameters to…
Author: John Doud
Using Dry Extruded Whole Soybeans (“extruded full-fat”) in Formulations
May 4, 2017
For several decades, Insta-Pro International has been well known around the world for dry extrusion, which we invented in the 1960’s. You can read more about it here. …
Author: Dave Albin
The Effects of Extrusion on Heat Sensitive Ingredients – Part II
April 13, 2017
In Part I of this blog, I discussed the importance of paying attention to the way some ingredients, such as vitamins and probiotics, react to the extrusion cooking…
Author: John Doud
The Effects of Extrusion on Heat Sensitive Ingredients. – Part I
April 6, 2017
When it comes to extruding complete diets such as pet food, fish feed or something like pig starters that have multiple ingredients, close attention should be given to…
Author: John Doud
Don’t Let Fear Keep You Out of the Growing Pet Food Market
March 30, 2017
In a recent blog, Adam Sackett, Sales Director, discussed high growth rates for pet food in developing countries. Double-digit growth is being realized in many places as more…
Author: Dave Albin
Is My TSP Still Good?
March 23, 2017
Recently my wife decided to make black bean chili soup with rice. It was very good, but I thought it could use something more since it was a…
Author: Adam Sackett
Methane from Animal Agriculture: Being Open Minded With New Approaches
February 9, 2017
Growing up and working in and around agriculture, I’ve heard debates and discussions that pit those with environmental concerns squarely at odds with those in production agriculture. In…
Author: Dave Albin
Rice Bran Part 2: Extruded Rice Bran Can Help Replace Antibiotics in Animal Diets
January 19, 2017
I recently discussed the results of a study on our blog, and I reported the following: Extruded rice bran can be used to help improve performance in antibiotic-free…
Author: Dave Albin
Rice Bran Part 1: Extrusion Can Help Replace Antibiotics in Animal Diets
January 12, 2017
We often write about the changing landscape of food production, and what can help you during these transitions. One practice that we continually cover is antibiotic-free animal production…
Author: Dave Albin
Estimating Bulk Densities of Mixed Products
December 8, 2016
Bulk density is an important metric in many things such as bagging or conveying, which we’ve written about in this past blog. Many websites and resources feature bulk…
Author: Kenneth Aniunoh
Younger Animals More Likely To Be Energy Deficient
November 23, 2016
Recently, I was looking over a presentation that someone sent me, and I saw one slide on energy values of fats and oils based on age. It focused…
Author: Dave Albin
Opportunity for Growth in Pet Food in Developing Countries
November 17, 2016
Insta-Pro recently participated in Expo FIGAP 2016 in Guadalajara, the most important animal feed and pet food tradeshow in Mexico. Prior to the expo, Dr. Dave Albin presented…
Author: Adam Sackett
Why Extrude Soybeans
November 3, 2016
What are the benefits of extruding soybeans? This is a question many people ask me. In order to understand that, I want to give you a little bit…
Author: Mayette Ramos
Farming “Hotspots” Quantifiably Turning Country Air into City Air
October 27, 2016
If you’ve ever traveled by a large animal farm, chances are you’ve encountered the smell of ammonia. Excess nitrogen from protein in feed which is more than required…
Author: Dave Albin
Unique Solutions From High Shear Dry Extruders
September 29, 2016
The high shear dry extruder can solve many local problems in a unique way. Here is a great example. On a recent trip to Myanmar in Southeast Asia,…
Author: Dave Albin
Update: Antibiotic-Free Production & Uncertainty (Hint: Test Your Ingredients)
September 22, 2016
You’ve seen us write about changing feed industry trends, and what they may mean for you, over the last few years on the Insta-Pro Intl blog. In particular,…
Author: Dave Albin
Pushed To The Limit, Modern Dairy Cows Need High-Quality Ingredients
August 11, 2016
The trend in the dairy industry of squeezing as much milk as possible from ever-larger dairy animals has some industry experts concerned, including the world-renowned Dr. Temple Grandin.…
Author: Dave Albin