Extrusion Improves Cassava-Based Products
February 18, 2014
Cassava is a major root crop, grown mainly in the developing world. Cassava is mostly a source of starch, and has very little protein (1.4% of raw cassava). …
February 18, 2014
Cassava is a major root crop, grown mainly in the developing world. Cassava is mostly a source of starch, and has very little protein (1.4% of raw cassava). …
February 11, 2014
We are all familiar with the nutritional contribution of properly processed soy protein and oil to both animals and humans. Soybeans contribute a lion’s share of the amino…
February 4, 2014
It has been discussed in a previous blog here that high-shear dry extrusion is effective at reducing mycotoxin concentrations in grain. In particular, research on cottonseeds has exhibited…
January 28, 2014
Extrusion cooking is a highly-versatile, globally-accepted method for processing and improving food and feed production. The effects of extrusion on improving starch digestibility, decreasing antinutritional factors (which inhibit…
January 21, 2014
It is the time of the year where everybody is adjusting from the busy holiday season and preparing for the new year ahead. You cannot help but to…
January 14, 2014
Trans fat has been in the news lately. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has indicated that they may remove trans fat from its GRAS list. Ingredients included on…
January 7, 2014
As consumers are concerned about the sources of their food, an increasing interest by food companies, oilseed processors, and farm growers for non-genetically grown soybeans has occurred. USDA’s…
December 31, 2013
Frequently, we read articles and press releases titled or use the proverb; “Waste Not Want Not”. Some of those articles deal with the global issue of food waste in…
December 17, 2013
The New York Times recently ran an article explaining how crop improvement and breeding programs have not focused on nutrient content or quality. This particular article focused on…
December 10, 2013
Fish meal has been used as a main ingredient in aquatic diets, poultry and swine feed. High quality fish meal can supply a good part of the protein,…
November 12, 2013
Extruders are used for food and feed production – from oilseed processing, dry pet food production, and by-product/value-added processing. Extrusion is highly versatile and recognized globally. Insta-Pro International has…
October 29, 2013
It is a known fact that the amino acids requirement by dairy, beef and other ruminant animals come from both microbial protein produced during rumen fermentation and the…
October 22, 2013
Eating fish is becoming more popular, at least in part due to the health benefits derived from its consumption. In particular, a growing body of evidence suggests that…
October 15, 2013
Many people these days are looking for natural, simple chemical free and environmentally friendly product and process. Is there a better and healthier option to process oil than to…
October 8, 2013
Pet food manufacturers follow guidelines established by AAFCO, which take into account information from the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Animal Nutrition. You can read about this…
September 17, 2013
I recently stumbled across a book, published a few years ago, that examined the role that cooking food played in human development. It is called Catching Fire: How…
September 10, 2013
Energy is supplied in the diet to livestock usually by starch in cereal grains, such as corn, and by animal fats and vegetable oils, such as choice white…
September 3, 2013
In my last blog, “The Specialty Niches That Are Becoming Mainstream” I spoke to the end-user markets driving specialty food niches such as “Organic”, “Natural”, “Non-GMO”, “Free-Range” and…