% of Cook of Pet food & Aquatic Feed by the MS3000 Medium Shear Extruder
August 6, 2013
Typical dry pet food or aquatic feed contain a wide range of ingredients. More often, they contain grains such as corn, wheat or rice. Those ingredients are rich…
Author: Nabil Said
Advantages of The New MS3000 Medium Shear Extruder
July 30, 2013
If you haven’t heard yet, Insta-Pro is preparing to launch a new model of our extruder, for the production of shaped products like pet foods and fish foods.…
Author: John Doud
Cheaper Ingredients May Have Hidden Costs
July 16, 2013
It’s no secret that livestock producers have been dealing with high feeding costs. Considering that feed is the largest part of the total cost of production, it’s no…
Author: Dave Albin
The Specialty Niches That Are Becoming Main Stream
June 25, 2013
There are many healthy eating niches we see in the marketplace, “Organic”, “Natural”, “Non-GMO”, “Free-Range” and “Antibiotic-Free”. Previously I wrote about the growing discussion regarding Non-GMO products. New…
Author: Kevin Kacere
Energy In, Performance Out
June 18, 2013
Animals are driven to seek and consume food energy every day – this makes it possible for normal activities, such as growing and walking, to happen. Food energy…
Author: Dave Albin
Corn Extrusion for Better Broiler Performance
May 28, 2013
In the United States, corn and other cereal extrusion has been applied to special diets such as baby pigs and aquatic feed. It is known that baby pigs…
Author: Nabil Said
Extrusion Facility for Poverty Alleviation (Part I)
May 14, 2013
In the Bicol Region, Philippines, poverty is a way of life. Most of the youth have a lack of knowledge because they can’t finish studies or never go…
Author: Christian Ramos Matienzo
Moisture Tester
April 2, 2013
In my opinion, anybody who owns an extruder needs a good moisture tester. No matter what kind of product is being extruded, the moisture tester is a critical…
Author: John Doud
Save Money on a Creative Protein Source
March 19, 2013
As protein ingredient options become more and more expensive, alternative ingredients are sought to control feed cost. One option has been the use of Urea as a source…
Author: Nabil Said
Is the Stability an Issue in Extruded or Extruded-Expelled Oil Seed Meal and Oil?
February 19, 2013
In a recent ExPress Extrusion Clinic conducted by the Insta-Pro International team here in Des Moines, Iowa, I was asked several good questions after my presentations on the…
Author: Nabil Said
Impact of Extrusion on Nutrients – Part 2: Lipids, Fats, and Water
January 9, 2013
I posted earlier about the impact of extrusion on proteins and carbohydrates. Now I will explain the importance of lipids, fats, and water. Extrusion effects on lipids or…
Author: Nabil Said
Impact of Extrusion on Nutrients – Part 1: Proteins and Carbohydrates
December 19, 2012
The objective of cooking is to enhance the nutritional value of feed or food through applying controlled amounts of thermal heat for a given period of time in…
Author: Nabil Said
When It Comes to Food Waste, Companies are Viewing It as Potential Revenue Source
December 5, 2012
I was reading a Feedstuffs article recently titled “Focus on food waste needed” by Rod Smith. Rod quoted a new report by Rabobank International to the fact that…
Author: Nabil Said
What Can I Do with Immature or Early Frost Damaged Soybeans?
November 15, 2012
In farming and agriculture in general, there are conditions that are beyond the control of the farmer or the producer. One of these conditions is weather. It is…
Author: Nabil Said
How to Manage Aflatoxin in Corn – What are Some of the Options?
November 6, 2012
Watt E-News reported on September 19, 2012, that the “U.S. corn and soybean crops are being harvested more quickly than anticipated, putting potential pressure on prices in the…
Author: Nabil Said
Extrusion Cost of Grains and Soybeans for Swine – Can it be Justified?
October 23, 2012
The feed industry is experiencing high ingredients cost due to the drought. The cost of corn quadrupled while soybeans and soybean meal cost at least double what it…
Author: Nabil Said
Can I Make my own Aquatic Feed?
October 9, 2012
As corn, wheat and soybean prices sky rocket, manufacturers of feed for retail are forced to increase their prices. Feed constitutes the main operational cost of all livestock,…
Author: Nabil Said
In Feed Formulation, the Input Determines the Output
September 27, 2012
I received a correspondence from a practicing nutritionist and feed formulator wanting to verify the True Metabolizable Energy (TMEn) of an Extruded-Expelled soybean meal (ExPress® soybean meal) that…
Author: Nabil Said