Rice Bran Part 1: Extrusion Can Help Replace Antibiotics in Animal Diets
January 12, 2017
We often write about the changing landscape of food production, and what can help you during these transitions. One practice that we continually cover is antibiotic-free animal production…
Author: Dave Albin
Adding Value to Available Crops
December 29, 2016
Recently I had the opportunity to tour a cotton extrusion and pressing plant in Texas. I really enjoyed the trip because in Latin America most of our processing…
Author: Adam Sackett
Purchasing Equipment? Some Questions to Ask Your Supplier..
December 22, 2016
In today’s global marketplace, agribusiness companies are faced with a multitude of suppliers and a range of technologies. Extruders are no different. Offered by manufacturers from all seven…
Author: Michael Martin
Cost Cutting Measures Can be Costly to Your Business
December 15, 2016
Management of costs is critical for every business, it is important to identify the areas where cost cutting is done responsibly and without adverse impact to the overall…
Author: Karl Arnold
Investors Looking for Growth Markets Should Stay & Invest in Africa, Not Go Home
December 1, 2016
Recent times have been tough in Africa. The financial markets went gloomy months ago. Africa’s economic growth will fall to 1.4% this year, says the IMF. Growth was…
Author: Michael Martin
Opportunity for Growth in Pet Food in Developing Countries
November 17, 2016
Insta-Pro recently participated in Expo FIGAP 2016 in Guadalajara, the most important animal feed and pet food tradeshow in Mexico. Prior to the expo, Dr. Dave Albin presented…
Author: Adam Sackett
Financing Your Project – Letters of Credit
October 6, 2016
For many of our international customers, Letters of Credit (L/C’s) can be a useful tool when financing their equipment project and provide many protections for the buyer and…
Author: Kim Becker
Project Justification: When is it Time to Call it Quits?
September 15, 2016
At the end of the day, the main goal of a business is to bring in more money than it spends. Plain and simple. It takes due diligence…
Author: Kenneth Aniunoh
No soy? No problem.
September 8, 2016
During recent travels to feed mills in Latin America, including Ecuador, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, I brought up the topic of soy availability in these countries,…
Author: Adam Sackett
Maintenance & Repairs: Dealing With Them Properly
August 25, 2016
In this blog I will discuss maintenance and repairs. In my next blog, I discuss the importance of cleaning and maintaining auxiliary equipment. Certain repairs can be patched…
Author: John Doud
Challenging The Status Quo: A Good Thing
August 18, 2016
We have all heard the old wise saying of: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. In some instances, it can be beneficial; however, you should not allow…
Author: Kevin Kacere
International Customers: A New, Simplified Financing Tool
August 4, 2016
I have shared with you in the past a great financing tool for our International customers through the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) where 360 Day…
Author: Kevin Kacere
Cheaper Equipment for Ingredients and Products – Where’s the Nutrition Support?
June 30, 2016
When making the decision to purchase a capital asset, such as a building or an expensive piece of equipment that will be used for many years, it’s important…
Author: Dave Albin
Alternatives to the bank loan – The new equipment financing landscape in Africa
June 23, 2016
“If I was running a real estate fund, I would have investors lined up out the door. But when you talk about financial services for agribusiness value chains,…
Author: Michael Martin
Importance of Project Feasibility
May 12, 2016
When considering a new business, it is important to conduct a feasibility analysis. This is an assessment of the capital required, staff and facility needs, and most importantly…
Author: Adam Sackett
Sales vs. Satisfaction
March 31, 2016
A very inspiring story was shared by one of our customers in South East Asia wherein they said that their customers are very satisfied with the animal performance…
Author: Adam Sackett
Mechanical Soy Processing: An Environmentally Friendly Method
March 24, 2016
Articles have appeared in various local newspapers over concerns raised by communities regarding the negative environmental impact of soybean processing plants that use a chemical process to extract…
Author: Karl Arnold
With NIR, Calibrations Are Required
March 17, 2016
You may have heard about the new Insta-Pro Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) NIR machine. NIR technology is specifically designed for Insta-Pro soy customers to help them manage their soybean…
Author: Dave Albin