Alternatives to the bank loan – The new equipment financing landscape in Africa
June 23, 2016
“If I was running a real estate fund, I would have investors lined up out the door. But when you talk about financial services for agribusiness value chains,…
Author: Michael Martin
Moisture Content of Pre & Post Extruded Oil Seeds
June 2, 2016
When processing oil seeds, there are several variables to look at. One of the most important variables one must pay attention to is moisture because it can have…
Author: John Doud
Excessive Protein Formulations – Counterproductive and Increase Pollution
May 19, 2016
A recent Feed Management article highlighted the problems of including excess protein in broiler diets. Providing more protein than the required amount in feed has become a common…
Author: Dave Albin
Sales vs. Satisfaction
March 31, 2016
A very inspiring story was shared by one of our customers in South East Asia wherein they said that their customers are very satisfied with the animal performance…
Author: Adam Sackett
Mechanical Soy Processing: An Environmentally Friendly Method
March 24, 2016
Articles have appeared in various local newspapers over concerns raised by communities regarding the negative environmental impact of soybean processing plants that use a chemical process to extract…
Author: Karl Arnold
With NIR, Calibrations Are Required
March 17, 2016
You may have heard about the new Insta-Pro Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) NIR machine. NIR technology is specifically designed for Insta-Pro soy customers to help them manage their soybean…
Author: Dave Albin
De-Hulling Soybeans: When To Do It & Why
January 28, 2016
Whether an animal feed oriented processor de-hulls their ExPress® soy or not is an economic/ strategic decision. Nutritionally, at least in swine trials, university studies show no significant…
Author: John Doud
Do I Have to Dehull Soybeans Prior to Extrusion?
January 21, 2016
Once in a while, we are asked by our soy processing customers or by prospects that are interested in establishing a soybean extrusion/ ExPress® (Extrusion-Pressing) meal plant about…
Author: Nabil Said
Which Cooler is Right For You? Part 1
December 10, 2015
When using high shear dry extrusion for oilseed processing, the final product typically only needs to be cooled. This is the case when making either full fat soya (FFS)…
Author: Kenneth Aniunoh
Quality Ingredient for Dairy Producers Results in Improved Efficiency
June 29, 2015
The Global Dairy published an article last month about the latest group of dairy producers who had lost their milk contracts, and were looking for a new place…
Author: Dave Albin
New Insights on the Urease Activity Range for Soybean Meal
March 12, 2015
In our years of optimizing the quality of extruded whole soybeans and the ExPress® soybean meal, we have been insisting on cooking the soy to a range of…
Author: Nabil Said
How Much Oil Are You Really Extracting?
February 19, 2015
I recently conducted some research with high oilseeds at the Insta-Pro International R&D center. This is something I’ve blogged about before – as we are constantly trying to…
Author: Dave Albin
The King of Proteins
August 28, 2014
Changes in market demand always have a big impact on commodity production. From the looks of it, the market is showing an increase in protein demand. As we…
Author: Craig Briney
Consistent, Quality Ingredients Lead to a Growing Business
July 31, 2014
In my interactions with our customers who are in the business of selling extruded whole soybeans or ExPress® soybean meal, I often hear some of the following comments:…
Author: Nabil Said
Quality Ingredients – A Consistent Source of Highly Digestible Nutrients
May 6, 2014
Co-written by Dr. Dave Albin and Dr. Nabil Said. Ingredients for food and feed products perform many functions, but above all, they must serve as sources of essential…
Author: Nabil Said
ExPress the Genetic Potential of your Animals
April 29, 2014
There is a certain maximum achievable biological response that is specific to each individual living organism. This response is controlled by the genetic composition of the individual, as…
Author: Dave Albin
Alternative Ingredients to Fish Meal in Aquatic Feed
December 10, 2013
Fish meal has been used as a main ingredient in aquatic diets, poultry and swine feed. High quality fish meal can supply a good part of the protein,…
Author: Nabil Said
High Shear Extrusion of Soybeans and Ruminant Nutrition
October 29, 2013
It is a known fact that the amino acids requirement by dairy, beef and other ruminant animals come from both microbial protein produced during rumen fermentation and the…
Author: Nabil Said