Ensuring Ingredient Quality Using NIR Technology: PIA Part I
July 5, 2018
In 2016, Insta-Pro International® launched the Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) as a quality control tool that allows soy plant operators to rapidly analyze their raw and processed ingredients…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Assurer la qualité des ingrédients en utilisant la technologie NIR : PIA – 1re partie
July 5, 2018
En 2016, Insta-Pro International® a commercialisé l’analyseur d’ingrédients portable (PIA), un appareil de contrôle de la qualité qui permet aux exploitants d’usines de soja d’analyser rapidement leurs ingrédients…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Manage Your Soy Extrusion and ExPress ® Process: New Insta-Pro Portable Ingredient Analyzer (PIA) NIR
February 11, 2016
What goals do you have in your extrusion plants? What metrics do you use to know if you’re achieving these goals? How do you obtain the values used…
Author: Dave Albin