Hi-Gel™ Corn with Insta-Pro Extrusion: Tips for Use in Formulations
February 15, 2023
If you’ve followed us here over the past few years and weeks, you have read how Insta-Pro International has been developing high-shear dry extrusion procedures for extruding corn…
Author: Dave Albin
The ExPress® Process for Soy Meal – The Right Choice for Poultry
January 11, 2023
Poultry nutritionists have choices when assembling diets for poultry producers. If you’ve spent much time here on our blog, or the website in general, you are aware of…
Author: Dave Albin
Stabilized Rice Bran in Antibiotic-Free Diets
November 16, 2022
Consumers are basing their purchasing decisions on how the meat, milk, and eggs are raised. With more consumers and animal advocacy organizations pushing to reduce – or eliminate…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Stabilized Rice Bran: Innovative Ingredients Processed with High-Shear Dry Extrusion
November 2, 2022
High-shear dry extrusion has been used for decades to sterilize and stabilize various by-products and create value-added ingredients for both the feed and food industries. Rice bran is…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Are Your Animals Getting All They Can Out of Corn?
July 22, 2021
On LinkedIn a few years ago, in a post, I asked “Have we gotten all that we can out of corn?” I also said that we intended to…
Author: Dave Albin
Keep Moving Away From Crude Protein: More Evidence
July 8, 2021
This isn’t a new idea for anyone who has read the Insta-Pro blog over the years, but the purpose of this post is to discuss, from what I…
Author: Dave Albin
Are you feeding your animals quality ingredients? Read these blogs to find out
August 27, 2020
Quality ingredients are key for your livestock. With our equipment, you can expect nutritional advantages for soy meal, extruded corn and other end products. The process matters, and…
Author: Dave Albin
Nutrition is the Key
November 7, 2019
Prior to our September workshop at our headquarters in Grimes, Iowa I had taken a group from Russia for an ExPress® plant tour and a visit to a…
Author: Gregory Komnik
Is Silicon an Essential Nutrient? Implications for Processing
October 10, 2019
It’s well known that dozens of nutrients are essential for health and well-being. Deficiency symptoms of many nutrients have been well-documented over the years. The shocking outcomes of…
Author: Dave Albin
Benefits of Higher Fat Diets: Part 2, Effect on Intake and Performance
July 18, 2019
I wrote part 1 of this blog series on the benefits of higher fat diets in which I defined typical dietary fat ranges for a variety of species. …
Author: Dave Albin
The Single-Nutrient Pitfall: Don’t Fall In
May 2, 2019
Every living thing is driven to seek nourishment in order to survive and thrive. Many nutrients are essential – animals cannot survive for long without them. It’s important…
Author: Dave Albin
Nutrition & Equipment Provide Processing Solutions
April 4, 2019
When I started to work as a nutritionist for Insta-Pro®, somebody asked me what an animal nutritionist does in a company that manufacture extruders, presses and coolers? The…
Author: Janeth Colina
Benefits of Higher Fat Diets: Part 1, Definitions
March 21, 2019
When animal diets are formulated, at times it’s assumed that a sort of “cookie cutter” approach is taken. This means that all of the ingredients and corresponding nutrient…
Author: Dave Albin
Changing the future in 1,000 days
March 7, 2019
The first 1,000 days between conception and a child’s 2nd birthday are critical for shaping each child’s development. This is the period when the foundations of good health,…
Author: Michael Martin
Bridging the Gap Between Commodity and Synthetic Ingredients with High Shear Dry Extrusion
October 25, 2018
One of the goals of animal nutrition feeding programs is to balance the need for growth performance and economics by selecting from a list of available ingredients –…
Author: Dave Albin
Less Moisture in Ingredients is a Good Thing
October 11, 2018
I was recently discussing ingredient characteristics at a conference, and how high shear dry extruded ingredients, such as dry extruded full-fat soy and dry extruded/pressed (ExPress®) soy meals…
Author: Dave Albin
Trying New Ingredients Requires Adequate Risk Management
September 27, 2018
Often discussed on the Insta-Pro blog is the need to pay attention to your animal diet formulations in order to save money when you can, while not only…
Author: Dave Albin
Extrusion and Vitamins – Challenges & Opportunities
September 13, 2018
It is generally thought that extrusion and vitamins do not work well together. We have even indicated this in the Insta-Pro blog. Vitamins, a group of molecules that…
Author: Dave Albin