Dairy Farmers: Providing Added Value to Corn for Dairy Cows
June 3, 2021
In several countries the dairy industry had a difficult year in 2020, as in many other industries, the pandemic caused consumers to make significant changes in their consumption…
Author: Fernando Gonzalez
Process Flow: Corn Soya Blend
May 27, 2021
Corn soya blend (CSB) is a well-recognized fortified blended food used all around the world to support the eradication of malnutrition. This product is in high demand for…
Author: Scott Carroll
Top Things to Consider When Preparing to Borrow Money
May 20, 2021
With interest rates very low, this is a good time to borrow money for your new agribusiness project, or to expand your existing extrusion plant. The problem, however,…
Author: Michael Martin
Increase Capacity vs. Purchase a Generator
May 13, 2021
I personally faced the question while managing an Extrusion factory in Nairobi Kenya before joining Insta-Pro. My hope is to offer some insight to you, by sharing my…
Author: Kinoti Kaburu
Total Cost of Ownership (Oil Press)
May 6, 2021
Previously I discussed the considerations for investing in extrusion equipment and the benefits of looking at the long-term total ownership cost. Now I would like to discuss the…
Author: Adam Sackett
Consider Total Cost of Ownership When Making Capital Purchases
April 29, 2021
In a previous blog, I urged customers to not lose a dollar by saving a penny. Now I would like explain how to quantify a premium product versus…
Author: Adam Sackett
4 Ways to Ship, Do You Know What Method Is Best For You?
April 22, 2021
For many of us, it has become routine to order almost anything we want online and find a package on our doorway a few days later. Here is…
Author: Kim Becker
Extruder vs. Expander
April 15, 2021
There are several times when we talk with customers that use the terms “extruder” and “expander” interchangeably. Conceptually, it is easy to see why this can happen. Both…
Author: Kenneth Aniunoh
Why A Letter of Credit Makes Purchasing Easier
April 8, 2021
In the last few years, banking regulations have tightened around the world as banks have put in place “Know Your Customer” requirements in an effort to combat fraudulent…
Author: Kim Becker
“Sustainability”, A Buzz Word With Traction
April 1, 2021
Sustainability is a buzzword for sure, but it’s getting real traction in the marketplace. Consumers are paying more attention to reduce their carbon footprint. For example, trends in…
Author: Kevin Kacere
Another Example: Knowing your Ingredients is Critical
March 25, 2021
We’ve discussed here before the importance of understanding your ingredients. Whether you’re making food products that require an ingredient with certain characteristics, such as a protein ingredient with…
Author: Dave Albin
The Importance of Nutrition Begins Before Birth – High-Shear Dry Extruded Flax
March 18, 2021
We focus a lot on improving the feeding of animals through the various stages of production. It’s not hard to see why – the costs of feeding animals…
Author: Dave Albin
How Does High-Shear Dry Extrusion Create Rumen By-Pass Fat in Soy?
March 11, 2021
We know that high-shear dry extrusion from Insta-Pro® is used to improve raw materials. Our philosophy has not changed since the early 1970’s – let the animals tell…
Author: Dave Albin
Broiler Integrators: Want to Increase Revenue & Profit? Optimize Your Feed Conversion
March 4, 2021
As the poultry industry is facing many challenges, integrators can take actions now to increase their revenues. When selecting ingredients for poultry diets, applying feeding strategies is crucial…
Author: Janeth Colina
Trial by Fire
February 25, 2021
In the absence of tradeshows & face to face customer meetings, which have been the staple for developing relationships and selling technically focused capital goods, the covid pandemic…
Author: Karl Arnold
Consistency is the Key to Success.
February 18, 2021
What makes a quality ExPress® soymeal? That’s a question we get asked a lot. Most recently, I was contacted by one of our customers in India who had…
Author: Gregory Komnik
Start Small, Dream Big
February 11, 2021
Many customers in underdeveloped countries are struggling to obtain financing for their projects. This is not the fault of COVID-19, it’s a reflection of the structure of the…
Author: Michael Martin
7 Points to Consider When Investing In A Processing Facility
February 4, 2021
Equipment – How Does it All Work Understanding how the equipment works is key in processing high-quality ingredients your customers will demand. This quick read will explain the…
Author: Tori Sorensen