Business Partnering: Do you Need Assistance Sourcing Soybeans?
November 6, 2014
Business Partners is sometimes an overused term and used more freely than what really is the case. How do you distinguish between those relationships which are purely transactional…
Author: Kevin Kacere
How Much Quality Nutrition Are You Paying To Ship?
October 30, 2014
I recently spoke with one of our customers, and the topic of shipping costs came up. He relayed to me some information on this expense, and I was…
Author: Dave Albin
Is it Time to Rebuild Your Equipment?
October 23, 2014
We have all done it. We know our equipment will need new parts soon but you put off ordering them until your machine breaks down and you really…
Author: Jim Little
Should You Supply Dietary Energy as Oil or Carbohydrates?
October 16, 2014
The importance of dietary energy in formulating cost-effective, high-performing diets is a topic I have covered in the past. Nutritionists usually have some ingredient options in order to…
Author: Dave Albin
Compromising Solutions
October 9, 2014
Adding value has been the major driver for Insta-Pro business since the company was founded in late 1960’s. Farmers around do this by growing their own crops and…
Author: Gregory Komnik
Lessons from Predicting DDGS Quality, Part 2: Prediction Equation
October 2, 2014
In my previous blog, I discussed data from a recent publication on variation in the quality of DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles), a by-product of the corn…
Author: Dave Albin
Lessons From Predicting DDGS Quality, Part 1: Raw Observations
September 25, 2014
A recent publication on variation in DDGS quality, containing attempts to predict it with equations, has once again highlighted the inherent problems with using this ingredient to support…
Author: Dave Albin
Feeders for Extruders
September 18, 2014
Just as the extruder is capable of making a wide variety of different products, there are different ways to feed the extruder. I’ll use this discussion to explain…
Author: John Doud
Finding Solutions in Portugal
September 11, 2014
One of the best parts of my job is getting to travel to interesting places to meet with and assist customers. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel…
Author: Kinoti Kaburu
Cheap Becomes Expensive in Product Manufacturing
September 4, 2014
Occasionally, we get into a discussion with small extrusion business owners who seek our advice on using proper nutritional requirements and typical ingredients to be used to manufacture quality…
Author: Nabil Said
The King of Proteins
August 28, 2014
Changes in market demand always have a big impact on commodity production. From the looks of it, the market is showing an increase in protein demand. As we…
Author: Craig Briney
Cooling Conveyors: A Simple Solution
August 21, 2014
As the R&D Extrusion specialist, I like to cover subjects that are relevant to current extrusion operations. Oftentimes, we will be in contact with a number of customers…
Author: John Doud
Larger Equipment is Not Always the Best Choice
August 14, 2014
I recently spent some time on the phone with one of our customers who operates what most would describe as a small production line for shaped, extruded food products. I…
Author: Dave Albin
Exceeding Expectations: Putting the Customer First
August 7, 2014
During a recent trip to visit prospective clients, I was reminded how important customer relations were to business. Without customers, there is no business, so as a collaborator…
Author: Kenneth Aniunoh
Consistent, Quality Ingredients Lead to a Growing Business
July 31, 2014
In my interactions with our customers who are in the business of selling extruded whole soybeans or ExPress® soybean meal, I often hear some of the following comments:…
Author: Nabil Said
Corn is Not a Commodity
July 24, 2014
Corn is one of the most important crops in the world. In 2009, more corn (by weight) was grown than any other grain – production around the world…
Author: Dave Albin
Durable Equipment and Parts Give You a Better Product and Better Return on Investment
July 17, 2014
During my frequent visits to food and feed plants in Latin America, I often encounter under-performing extruders due to the replacement of factory parts with locally-made, copied parts.…
Author: Adam Sackett
Investing in “The Most Important Issue Under the Sky”
July 10, 2014
Mr. Ding Xuedong, chairman of China Investment Corporation (CIC), has made an important announcement. He says China’s $650bn sovereign wealth fund is shifting its focus to invest more…
Author: Michael Martin