Insta-Pro’s ExPress® Process – Oil with a Long Shelf Life
September 14, 2022
The high-shear dry extrusion process, followed by mechanical pressing for oil extraction, is a decades-old, globally accepted set of equipment and processes. Oilseeds, most commonly soybeans, are used…
Author: Dave Albin
Energy In, Performance Out with Great Oil
September 7, 2022
Back in 2013, in the very first blog I published on the Insta-Pro website, I wrote about how extrusion processing, especially high-shear dry extrusion from Insta-Pro, was a…
Author: Dave Albin
Using Better Corn Will Help Dairy Cows Make Protein
August 31, 2022
We’ve previously discussed high-shear dry extrusion of corn and how this process can be used to form highly-gelatinized starch that is quickly degraded in the rumen. Among other…
Author: Dave Albin
Why Hi-Gel™ Corn?
August 17, 2022
There are several varieties of corn with different colors. In this blog, I will be presenting an overview of how you can improve digestibility in your animals which…
Author: Mayette Ramos
Using Better Corn – Get What You Can
August 3, 2022
With every ingredient, there is a certain total amount of nutrients and energy. Based on the composition and total weight of each ingredient, there is simply a point…
Author: Dave Albin
Don’t Dehull Your Soybeans
July 20, 2022
The ExPress® process, using equipment and know-how from Insta-Pro International, is unique; but why does this matter? First, it does not involve the use of chemicals, like solvents…
Author: Dave Albin
Why You Should Formulate with ExPress® Soy Meal
June 29, 2022
The ExPress® process, using equipment and know-how from Insta-Pro International, is unique and results in the production of a novel version of soy meal. Given that feeding trials…
Author: Dave Albin
Global Egg Production – Key Consumer Trends & How Nutrition Plays a Role
June 15, 2022
Eggs are an incredible source of nutrients and a valued food worldwide. With their unique nutritional profile, eggs are part of a sustainable solution to feeding the world.…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Better Soy Meal for Layers – Same Egg Production, More Feed Efficiency, Lower Diet Costs
June 1, 2022
As part of our continued efforts to fully understand and optimize processing with our equipment, often used to make better versions (like ExPress® soy meal) of commodity ingredients,…
Author: Dave Albin
ExPress® Soybean Meal Reducing PPRS in US Swine Herds
May 25, 2022
With swine disease concerns such as African Swine Fever and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome or PRRS in Swine herds; animal-based blood, fat, and protein products have been…
Author: Craig Briney
Advantages of Amino Acids in Swine Diets with ExPress® Soymeal
May 18, 2022
What are amino acids, why are they important? There are many advantages to amino acids in swine diets. Amino acids are the components of protein and play a…
Author: Janeth Colina
ExPress® Soybean Meal Beats Crude Coconut Oil in Nutritional Benefits
May 11, 2022
Crude coconut oil is widely used in livestock and poultry feeds as a major source of energy. Its price/kg increased substantially over the year due to its demand.…
Author: Mayette Ramos
Net Energy Value of ExPress® Soymeal for Swine
May 4, 2022
In swine production, feed cost makes up more than 60% of the total, and within that cost, energy concentration is the most expensive component. Therefore, definition of energy…
Author: Janeth Colina
Times Change Through Technology
April 27, 2022
To account for a growing population and high demand, animal producers are searching for cost-efficient, nutrient-dense ingredients to use in their animal feed without sacrificing their revenue. Along…
Author: Bob Ballard
Increase Milk Production in Dairy Cows
April 20, 2022
A challenge many producers face with their dairy cows is deciding which ingredients to feed them. Is it possible to improve the performance of dairy cows using the…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Bigger Equipment, Same Quality, More Nutrition
February 16, 2022
The process makes the product. Structure predicts function. All ingredients are not created equal. Remember these axioms – I recently blogged about how one relatively simple, seldom considered,…
Author: Dave Albin
Sound Mechanisms for Improved, Consistent Performance
January 19, 2022
There’s nothing magical or supernatural about putting together a formulation for consistent animal performance. What’s happening is simply supplying the right amounts of individual nutrients and energy for…
Author: Dave Albin
Relative Feed Value (RFV): When Is It Meaningful?
December 22, 2021
As the costs of feeding animals are easily the biggest ongoing expense for food animal producers, it makes perfect sense to use measurements and metrics to get the…
Author: Dave Albin