Part 2: Hi-Gel™ Corn for Swine – Particle Size
April 24, 2024
In the previous blog covering the use of Hi-Gel™ corn for nursery diets, pigs demonstrated that there were no differences in growth performance when ground corn was substituted…
April 24, 2024
In the previous blog covering the use of Hi-Gel™ corn for nursery diets, pigs demonstrated that there were no differences in growth performance when ground corn was substituted…
April 17, 2024
Corn is the most common cereal grain used to supply dietary energy to swine diets. This is due to the starch content in corn is approximately 60 to…
April 10, 2024
Hi-Gel™ corn, the product of high-shear dry extrusion from Insta-Pro, is an improved version of the commodity ingredient. Corn starch in this ingredient is thoroughly gelatinized (90% or…
April 3, 2024
In recent years, we’ve invested more in and researching the promising applications of our high-shear dry extruded corn ingredient, Hi-Gel™ corn. Materials that are high in starch have…
December 13, 2023
To finish off an exciting and productive 2023, we want to share with you one of our most viewed and most shared blogs of the year! Don’t…
December 6, 2023
To finish off an exciting and productive 2023, we want to share with you one of our most viewed and most shared blogs of the year! Summary…
November 29, 2023
ExPress® soymeal and Hi-Gel™ corn provide essential nutritional benefits for dairy cows. ExPress® is an excellent source of high-quality protein, rich in amino acids necessary for milk production.…
November 22, 2023
A study conducted by Virginia Tech indicated how ExPress® soy meal (high-shear dry extrusion followed by mechanical oil pressing from Insta-Pro) could be used to improve feed efficiency.…
November 15, 2023
Insta-Pro International offers a range of benefits to the swine industry, resulting in improved feed quality for swine. These technologies enhance the digestibility of swine feed, leading to…
November 8, 2023
An indication of how high-shear dry extruded ingredients can impact body weight was demonstrated in a broiler feeding trial conducted at Iowa State University. It evaluated the growth…
October 25, 2023
In the world of dairy farming, maximizing the health and productivity of your cows is a top priority. One key factor in achieving this goal is providing the…
October 18, 2023
The dairy nutrition industry is obsessed with rumen by-pass protein ingredients, and to be fair, there are good reasons for this obsession. We, too, are interested in this…
October 4, 2023
Dairy producers get paid in two main ways – by producing a greater milk volume, or by producing more milk components. Milk protein and milk fat are these…
September 27, 2023
Why should I pay more for your equipment? Well, choosing a vendor for a capital equipment purchase can be a challenging assignment. One must consider the price, ongoing…
September 6, 2023
When operating extruders from Insta-Pro, we talk extensively about processing temperature in the final cooking chamber, as an important quality control point. Achieving an appropriate extrusion temperature is…
August 23, 2023
Soybeans contain several antinutritional factors. Thermosensitive antinutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, urease, lipoxygenase, and lectins, are found in several oilseed crops, but are at high levels in…
August 2, 2023
It’s not hyperbole to call the chicken meat industry, commonly referred to as the broiler industry, miraculous. I’m not explicitly referring to anything that producers of chicken meat…
June 14, 2023
The swine industry is continuously looking to improve economically important characteristics and rely on feeding strategies to determine dietary energy and protein sources to use. Therefore, making high-quality…