Insta-Pro’s Customer Portal: Knowledge at Your Fingertips
November 1, 2023
We understand the importance of streamlining your experience with us, and this new platform is designed to make your interactions with our products and services more efficient and…
Author: Eric Hoile
Summary of Dairy Cow Performance with ExPress Soy Meal
October 25, 2023
In the world of dairy farming, maximizing the health and productivity of your cows is a top priority. One key factor in achieving this goal is providing the…
Author: Craig Briney
Rumen Degradable Protein for Dairy: Great Ingredients Have It, Too!
October 18, 2023
The dairy nutrition industry is obsessed with rumen by-pass protein ingredients, and to be fair, there are good reasons for this obsession. We, too, are interested in this…
Author: Dave Albin
More Acetate Equals More Milk Fat: Ingredients for Milk Components
October 4, 2023
Dairy producers get paid in two main ways – by producing a greater milk volume, or by producing more milk components. Milk protein and milk fat are these…
Author: Dave Albin
Why the Method of Processing Soybeans Matters in Formulating Animal Diets
September 20, 2023
In commercial animal production, the main purpose is to improve the efficiency of feed utilization given the relatively high, ongoing costs of feeding. Therefore, it is crucial to…
Author: Janeth Colina
High-Shear Dry Extrusion: Reliable Measurements and Results
September 6, 2023
When operating extruders from Insta-Pro, we talk extensively about processing temperature in the final cooking chamber, as an important quality control point. Achieving an appropriate extrusion temperature is…
Author: Dave Albin
Reduce Anti-Nutrients with Extruded Soy for Increased Broiler Digestibility
August 23, 2023
Soybeans contain several antinutritional factors. Thermosensitive antinutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, urease, lipoxygenase, and lectins, are found in several oilseed crops, but are at high levels in…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Insta-Pro’s Success with Broilers: Consistent & High-Quality Ingredients
August 16, 2023
The global poultry market grew from $352.02 billion in 2022 to $378.84 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6%. Indeed, it is expected…
Author: Janeth Colina
Organic Poultry in Latin America
August 9, 2023
In recent years, the Latin American population’s demand for organic products has grown in several countries, with popularity rising mainly in organic chicken and egg products. For these…
Author: Fernando Gonzalez
High-Shear Dry Extrusion: Another Tool for the Miraculous Broiler Industry
August 2, 2023
It’s not hyperbole to call the chicken meat industry, commonly referred to as the broiler industry, miraculous. I’m not explicitly referring to anything that producers of chicken meat…
Author: Dave Albin
ExPress® Soymeal for Swine: A Consistent & Quality Ingredient Supported by Research
June 14, 2023
The swine industry is continuously looking to improve economically important characteristics and rely on feeding strategies to determine dietary energy and protein sources to use. Therefore, making high-quality…
Author: Janeth Colina
Animals Don’t Lie: The History of Swine Feeding Studies with High-shear Extruded Soy
June 7, 2023
Insta-Pro® International has been conducting nutrition-based research in the form of animal feeding trials since the high-shear dry extrusion (HSDE) technology was invented and patented in 1969. In…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
Potential Use of Less Oil & Fat with Hi-Gel™ Corn in Swine Diets
May 17, 2023
Corn is the most common cereal grain used to supply dietary energy to swine diets. This is due to the starch content in corn is approximately 60 to…
Author: Janeth Colina
Potential Reduced Cost of Swine Diets with ExPress® Soy Meal
May 10, 2023
Production costs associated with feeding in swine operations are very high, as energy is the most expensive component of the diet. Therefore, maximizing the efficiency of the nutrients…
Author: Janeth Colina
Summary of ExPress® Oil Benefits
March 29, 2023
Here at Insta-Pro, we pride ourselves in helping our customers by investing in continued product research and providing this information and new equipment to help them rise above…
Author: Dan Sturzenbecker
Unique Benefits of Using ExPress® Soy Oil as Main Energy Source in Broiler Diets
March 22, 2023
Due to an average 6.4% inflation hike, protein prices are at an all time high. Just like consumers, feed manufacturers are also trying to counter the effects of…
Author: Kathleen Mayo
New Information on ExPress® Soy Oil: Part 2 – Animal Results
March 8, 2023
In Part 1 of this blog series, I discussed how there are only small compositional differences between soy oils despite being produced with different equipment and processes. Also,…
Author: Dave Albin
New Information on ExPress® Soy Oil: Part 1 – Composition
March 1, 2023
I’ve long been interested in this area of animal nutrition – the area of using fats and oils strategically in formulations. I’ve conducted animal research that runs along…
Author: Dave Albin